- Took a teenage girl hostage at gunpoint
. - Murdered one unarmed woman
. - Attempted to murder four more unarmed civilians, including one pregnant woman
It is as if, like a carton of milk gone bad - *POOF!!!* - the media has decided, en masse, that this story merits no more attention, and instead will devote whatever page-space, airtime and pixels that such a tragedy would otherwise occupy in the main news sections to other, "more pressing stories," including but not limited to:
- The fact that teenagers who frequently listen to sexually explicit lyrics on their iPods have a higher propensity to initiate sex than those who don't listen to such lyrics (imagine that!!!; Washington Post)
. - Why Paul McCartney locked his soon-to-be ex-wife, Heather Mills, out of their house (CNN)
. - Janet Jackson's upcoming topless photo for Vibe Magazine (USAToday)
. - The morning that pyschotic, race-hustling Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney (D-GA), in a desperate bid, stood on a Georgia streetcorner, singing "disco soul tunes" (LA Times)
. - How a Vermont town is wondering what to do with a 102-year-old fire station (NY Times)
And the mainstream media still cannot figure out why their customer base is shrinking, and their trustworthiness is going down faster than free cocktails at a Kennedy family reunion.
By willfully ignorning this startling story - and the fact that it is a continuation of a series of jihadist attacks on U.S. soil - the media is doing nothing short of denying the threat that militant Islam poses a real and current threat to every north American citizen, town and city.
"The world is a dangerous place to live, not because of the people who are evil, but because of the people who don't do anything about it."
- Albert Einstein
© Copyright 2006 by Jon Quixote. All rights reserved. Qualified media representatives interested in publishing this item may contact jonquix@hotmail.com for information.
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